About This Blog

The main purpose of this blog is to be a place for me to fail. Publicly. Perhaps spectacularly. So it goes – that’s just how I learn.

Let me elaborate.

There are some subjects I know fairly well, but I don’t really want to discuss them here. On the other hand, there are a lot of other things that I don’t know well, but that I’d like to understand much better. Psychology, evolution, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary game theory, decision theory, economics, genetics (behavioral, population, and quantitative), probability, statistics… the list goes on.

I’d like to use this space to talk about ideas I’ve been thinking about and that I’d like to develop further. But by design, these are topics I don’t know much about, so I’m simply going to be wrong a lot. So what? For me, the learning process is all about failing. There is nothing I’ve become skilled at that I haven’t failed at. Often. This is not a set back, it’s just part of the process. Learn by failing; stumbling toward enlightenment.

So let me set some standard forewarning, which will apply to everything that appears on these pages.

Standing Caveat:

I don’t know what I’m doing, and whatever I say is probably riddled with errors. Nothing written here necessarily reflects the beliefs, intentions, or understanding of anyone other than me, and my views are likely to change as I learn. I’m doing my best with the limited time, energy, and brainpower I have to spare. I realize it’s insufficient. That’s life.